I haven't been participating in this forum again lately because I am not feeling very motivated to contribute anything worthwhile. I even stopped reading most of the new threads, which is why this is the first time I am reading of this. I had no idea about the vaccines for HPV... all I can say is
WTF. As a young, sexually active, unmarried woman, there are two things that I have nightmares about from time to time: (1) Pregnancy, and (2) HPV. Let me tell you that these are no laughing matter to someone like me. It's one thing to tell me that I'm immoral because I value a woman's life above the potential life of her baby, because at the end of the day, nobody can make me NOT get an abortion if I want one (which I probably wouldn't). It's another thing to withhold a valuable health resource from me because it might encourage me to be free with my body before I have a ring on my finger. Obviously I made this decision with my body before I knew I could be safe from HPV. This is only more insulting because I know that I am responsible and take every other precaution when it comes to my sexual activity. For all the precautions I take, contracting HPV and having warts in my special place would be right up there with cancer. OH WAIT. It would increase my risk of that, too.
Some strains of HPV can't even be detected by testing men so how the hell am I ever supposed to know I'm safe from it? I can't. At least I
thought I couldn't. Apparently, I just
This is utterly infuriating.