trolled through adtunes for a while, but i didn't come up with anything
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anyway, the song i'm interested in was featured in a car commercial in late 2003/early 2004. the song was some chillout track that i can't determine.
here is my best approximation of what i remember (no i'm not going to sing): (64 kb)
two scenes that i can recall:
side view of car in a store parking lot, hatchback open, being loaded from the rear (which is on the left side of the screen)
then there is a brief look from inside the car: one hip looking black guy sitting in the back seat, shot low from the front center armrest
it seemed like the options that the car had were changing throughout, but i can't say for sure (i.e. hatchback, no hatchback shown by morphing). likely to have been an import.
thanks for participating...