Well, I think you are clearly a voice of reason MooseMan3000 and found your points very well thought out and constructive.
That said, I really don't have anything to add to the discussion on this proposed law, except that the knee jerk reaction of "those California wackos" really bugs me. California is a pretty large state with many many different viewpoints and political idealogies. There are some stupid laws on the books here in Cali I am sure, but I hardly doubt anyone will find any place to live where they don't have to put up with some legislation or local customs that goes against his/her grain. I once had a person ask me "What's it like living in California?" and the way she asked it made it sound like she believes there are a bunch of wild half-naked hippies smoking joints and wanking it on the streets. That view may be more true for say Berkeley (just kidding Berkeley love ya), but the area I live in is actually very conservative and tends to lean to the right politically.