Alcohol reduces protein synthesis in the body by a large amount (e.g. a night drinking will basically nulify a workout you had during the day), and can lead to bad form and injuries from over-confidence with the weights or just being drunk and sloppy.
Working out before drinking gets you incredibly pissed because your body is screaming for all the nutrients it wants to rebuild and the moment you drink alcohol, it gets immediatly absorbed into the bloodstream and sent on an adventure around your body.
Personally, i don't like to drink/workout or workout/drink, i'd rather not put the effort in the first place if my gains are going to be negated, and i just get far too drunk when i drink after lifting.
pop over to somewhere like or for more details.
As for lifting the day after drinking, i'm not too sure, i went out drinking last night, and i have to workout today, so it could be interesting as i'm still drunk as a donkey, but lets hope for the best!
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