well, I graduated from welding school a month ago...
so they hooked me up with a good job. I am working for the Army at the Watervliet arsenal fabricating armor plate kits for Army vehicles (5.5ton trucks and Humvees) this being my first taste of real world welding, I was really nervous about working on something so critical (this aint like building swing sets here) but to my relief, I am doing exceptionally well. It's still just me and the puddle, its great
the only drawback is the hours. 12 hours a day. 7 days a week. but theres plusses even to that. A lot of my own personal problems are totally being dwarfed by my current purpose. No more insomnia, I'm out as soon as my head hits the pillow. No more depression, it's just me and the puddle, no feeliong shitty for no apparent reason, there just ain't time.
But, I am getting paid very well, and even better with all the overtime I am working, I am getting a deep sense of satisfaction from the work I am doing, and I think I'm even racking up some good karma too
oh, besides the armor plating, we're also installing air conditioners in the vehicles, basically, an air conditioner thats about the size as what you would use to cool your house, no more 150 degree vehicle interiors
we get letters from parents thanking us, we get pictures from soldiers showing us their blown to shit trucks, with all of them smiling next to the wreckage.
so yeah, life is good
I hope yours is too.