Laptop running slooooow, Should I wipe my hardrive?
On my old laptop, windows got so gunked up with crap that it was crawling, so I erased my hardrive and reinstalled windows. While this was a pain in the ass (backing up everything and all) it ran so much better after I did it.
Well, I'm having the same problems with my current laptop and defragging helps only slightly.
To make matters worse, I've installed Adobe Premier editing software on my laptop for school and while it does run smoothly sometimes, there are times when it's just impossible to use because windows is running so slow.
So should I erase my harddrive or is there an easier solution? My other problem is that my laptop was shipped with Windows preinstalled, so I don't have a windows disk to reinstall the program if I wipe my drive.
Here's my system info: IBM Laptop w/ a 1.59 GHz Pentium M and 512 mb of RAM running Windows XP