Originally Posted by THGL
Instead of starting a new thread I'll just ask this here.
Is going through a liter of bourbon a week (+/- a few days) at little bit too much libation for one person?
Not really, however isnt it costly.
I myself isnt really a spirit drinker. I used to be but not anymore. Instead I like the brew. Tooheys Extra Dry, Hahn Ice, Crown Lager, Cascade, actually come to think of it, i like most beers, but VB and XXXX (four ex).
I guess you could call me the typical aussie when it comes to beer drinking. Give me a beer bong anyday.
)showed my brother up at his 21st. oops !
) if I were to drink the spirit, it would have to be tequila shots, or the good ole baileys on ice.