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Old 05-06-2005, 09:20 PM   #2 (permalink)
has a plan
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Location: middle of Whywouldanyonebethere
Well being eighteen as well, I for see the future in terms of those that I see in my high school--it is very bleak. I know the large mass of teens that see their parents as one step up the evolutionary latter from that off an ATM. These are the teens that will be the majority of this country, teens that haven't even the responsibility to turn in homework yet have the time to go out and smash a car 'round a tree only to receive another from mother and father.

What these teens don't realize is that when they must take care of themselves and whatever families they have with the increasing car insurance, health care, failing wages, and to boot take care of their parents who once spoiled them.

That is why my real friends are the ones with hopes, dreams--the stuff that can be destroyed but must be seen. What happened to our generation is that many of these teens lack any sense to reality or aspirations for the future. How can these teens have a future if they don't even work for one?
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