A Criticism on My Generation
I'm currently eight teen and I'm finishing my high school career as we speak and within the last four years of growing amd maturing as a person I've noticed one important fact and that's a general feeling of arrogance that we all tend to hold about ourselves in regards to other people. At this moment I'd like to exercise my own little arrogance.
I see it all the time, and it's this: "I wouldn't be surprised if we caused the end of humans on this planet. People these days are so fucked up and stupid, it seems as if common sense is gone."
That right there disheartens me in ways I can't even begin to describe. Here in American we've got this general opinion that we're all morons, we're all ignorant, and we're blind masses who are too stupid to function.
We all know that isn't true, we all sit around on forums such as these, at water coolers, or at bars at night discussing politics, current events, etc. and frankly all of those people you talk to? They're not "fuck up and stupid", nor is there common sense gone.
In fact, I think this opinion is so engrained in our society that we have high schoolers who go around saying that we're all a bunch of buffoons who can't be trusted.
Well get the hell off your high horse and grow up, is frankly how I feel. Not particularly a philosophy, but just some personal thoughts on a flaw in our society. Anyone who makes it a point to arrogantly act 'philosophical' and bask in your 'wisitude' needs a reality check, because chances are you're not a philosopher, nor are you particularly abnormally wise, especially if you're an 18 year old.
Not even I can consider myself wise, which frankly I don't think I am. You can't be wise until you've had real life experiences, until you've been out in the real world, you've gone to college, gone to work, made and lost money, and actually lived. As a teenager the only living I've ever done involves this bubble of high school that I live in and the internet. I can tell you the do's and don't's of high school, phases that most people go through and how stupid it is, and I can tell you from personal experience.
Anyway, to step off of this tangent, I really wish people would open their eyes, take off the grim glasses they're wearing and look at the real world for what it is. There are stupid peo ple, yes, but it's not some kind of hell-hole of stupidity everywhere. Most people in this world are intelligent, hard workers, caring people, etc. and to arrogantly say "Oh man everyone in my generation is a bunch of fucktard idiots" is without a doubt the dumbest thing I've ever heard so please stop saying it.
I got in a fight one time with a really big guy, and he said, "I'm going to mop the floor with your face." I said, "You'll be sorry." He said, "Oh, yeah? Why?" I said, "Well, you won't be able to get into the corners very well."
Emo Philips