Wow, didn't think this would be a good topic to post
I myself like playing as a dude, not only because of the fact that I myself am a male
I like to emulate wut I "wish" I could look like, its fun to be someone else on a game, but I will always prefer to be my own sex.
I use to play EQ, I made 1 female character and I only played her till lvl 10, and I was pissed at how easy it is to get around as a chick, and i mean PISSED!!!!, I was at the brink of outrage.
I got gear that would have cost any of my male characters a small fortune of platinum for absolutely free.
I got Power Leveled literally all the time, and I never had to run anywhere only because I had some sort of lughead druid or wizard teleport me around and give me free speed buffs, this was something that I disliked alot.
I was verbally harassed randomly by people I never had talked to asking me where I lived, how old I was, if I could send a picture. It was fucked up
I know the feeling, but the greatest way is to agree.
get their email
and send them a pic of the fattest chick you could ever fine.
and make sure she's disgusting
that'll change their opinion about you really fast