My buddy was telling me about this whole Action Replay device that hooks into your computer and you can download other peoples saved games and what not from the internet onto your own memory cards. I know this has probably been around for some time now but Im just now hearing about it. I was really just wondering if anyone here had the device and how happy they are with it. I tried to go onto the site and see what all games it has downloads for and it wouldn't let me in without a login/password. I really just wanted to see if it has downloads for most of the games I have or just a limited amount of games. Also I was wanting to know if you download a file for a game you have, will your previous saved games be deleted or overwritten or will it just make a whole new saved game?? Because there are games I have already saved to my hard drive that I wouldn't want to lose. If anyone could help me out with some info or just give me your own personal feed back that'd be awesome, thanks.