alansmithee and samcol:
As a woman, I agree with you. I believe that pregnancy is a joint endevour - you can't get pregnant without a male, and regardless of who acts as the portable incubator the baby is BOTH people. I am 6 months pregnant right now. Simply because I have what feels like an acrobat in my gut, should I have more rights over it's life? No. It is a 50-50 genetic split, and I believe that males should have a say in the child's life or death.
Yes, pregnancy is difficult, and birth is hell. The more I read about it, the more terrified I become of this August when I'll be giving birth. But that doesn't change the facts. This is as much my child and his, and simply because I have to endure 9 months of gestation doesn't negate his rights as a father. We had our conversation about abortion. We checked out the clinics, got the options when we had time. We decided to keep our child anyway. And yes, I still consider myself VERY pro-choice. Why? Because I had a choice, and every mother deserves to have that choice. Every father deserves the right to be involved in that choice if he wants to be as well.
I hate to say it, but regardless of even if abortions are made illegal again, they will still happen. Women will have their guts torn out by backalley "doctors", and some will die miserable deaths simply because other people chose to deny them propper medical care. You tell me, what's a greater strain on society - thousands of abandoned children, mutilated women, and families pushed to the psychological and financial breaking point because of an unplanned birth, or Planned Parenthood?
Yes, birth control and education are critical to the process. But guess what Planned Parenthood does? Just that. But they go a step further - they offer choice. There is no going back once you are pregnant if birth control and education are your only choices, and that's a disservice to the society that will have to absorb these unwanted children, or have to foot the medical bills of women in the hospital after botched back alley abortions.
I apologize to those I have offended - I know there is no way to discuss this issue without hurting someone, and for that, I am sorry.
Last edited by Disk_Pusher; 05-06-2005 at 11:37 AM..