Zinc + laying off for a few days + kegels is the only natural way I know, and I bet if you look at the ingredients of those volume boosters they have lots of zinc in them, it is one of the main ingredients in semen and boosts your production of it. Although you don't want to consistently take too much zinc as there have been numerous studies linking daily use of zinc suppliments to prostate cancer (!). If you take a multivitamin that's probably enough, or a zinc suppliment a couple times a week. Or if you actually eat right, brocolli and other green vegetable have lots of zinc in them, but most people (including me) don't eat enough of them to help. Basically you need just enough, and any more than that can be harmful, especially over years and years.
Distance, I have never been able to get this down so maybe it's just me, I do kegels and I know they're doing the job because I can do the "penis jump" thing where you make it move using your kegels. But the only thing that works (and then not even every time) for me is waiting several days till I'm ready to bust, then when we do have sex drawing it out as long as possible.
Originally Posted by Redlemon
Why do you want more semen volume? Doesn't that just mean more to clean up when you are done, or more for her to swallow, or something?
Well, yeah...that's the point of doing it, to make a huge mess.
I also like to make videos with my wife, we don't get to do it often so when we do it's planned out at least a few days, like grandma is taking the kid for the weekend or something. Gives me plenty of time to "prepare" for the moneyshot, there's nothing quite like shooting a huge messy facial on your woman and getting it on tape so you can relive it again and again