Originally Posted by maleficent
Plastic surgery is a totally personal thing, it's one of those things, that if it makes you feel better about yourself, go ahead and do it...
However, young lady (putting on my pretend mother face) you have posted pictures of yourself. You have a beautiful body, the cellulite you think you see, is only visible to yourself...
(Same goes for you too, Lurkette... )
Cameras don't lie
I so needed that. You are my official reality-check, in-the-pants-kicker.
LPM, she's so right - I read your post about your thighs and I'm like "What, is she on crack?!? She's perfect!"
I got a card a while back for a friend of mine that was a buddha meditating with a little thought bubble over his head that said "I hate my thighs." Even the most perfect being has something they hate about themselves.
The risks I was talking about are the ones already mentioned - risks associated with ANY general anesthesia (I am paranoid about going under and never waking up again), clots, tissue damage, etc. I know they're pretty uncommon, but even the slightest risk of something so catastrophic for a vanity issue that could either be fixed with some diet and exercise changes, or rendered moot by a healthy dose of reality re: body image issues, just doesn't seem worth it.