And for the record I have very little respect for life, since it is more often then not squandered, largely as a result of the pathetic enabling of the left. Take ABORTING your fucking baby, for example.
maybe it is this kind of stuff that convinced me you were on the right.
i dont know, call me a risk taker, a gambling kinda guy.
i think that your position is like that of the preacher who occaisionally rants away on the campus near where i live--he likes to get his little children to hold up huge color photos of aborted fetusses while dad, role model of intellectual integrity that he is, talks about how evil muslims are and that all students are going to hell. he also has an american flag. i, like everyone else i see who passes him, stop and watch him and maybe laugh a little and then spend some time marvelling at how this particular racist fool is able to wrap his hatred of everyone not like him so tighly up with his religion. and wonder what the source of his strange erotic obsession with huge color photos of fetuses really is. because obviously they are not part of anything like a coherent argument in favor of his position--any more than your posts are, bear. but he seems to have fun standing out there, with his kids marching in circles with the huge color photos held aloft--he gets really angry and he spits alot when he yells. he later encountered certain legal problems, but they were private matters to do with is personal life, and have nothing to do with his sad, pathetic mode of arguing for his opposition to abortion. at least i dont think they do.
but maybe you, like henry ford, do not think that the "real america" could be found on the campus of an urban university: maybe you, like henry ford, think that "real americans" are out there in some rural place--but henry ford also like to think that those same rural people shared his view of the international jewish conspiracy and published translations of the protocols of the elders of zion for their benefit. he got a nice medal from his pals in germany in 1938. but then the relationship soured because his pals in germany were not far enough to the right for him.
so maybe i was wrong to assume that you strayed as far to the left as the republicans.
as for the steaming bonbon--maybe think about it as a metaphor. it seems a good one.