If this then that?
WTF are you talking about?
Steaming bonbon of sanctimoniousness...?
Are you for real? Do you have anything constructive to add to this discussion except for your ludicrous diatribes about the right and it's inconsitencies, something frankly I have no idea how you lumped me into. You clearly know nothing about me.
At least this time you didn't mention anything about bushco or bushspeak and the existent ,only in your imagination, of the "right wing" media aperatus.
Do you even have position on Abortion? Or should we just assume that you fall in the "our history about it is illusionary since it was created by a radical disjointed, hard core christian right wing connspiracy aperachik, bush kills baby, I love abortion since the democratic party is my messiah and they tell me to think this way" camp? Hell you almost always do.
And for the record I have very little respect for life, since it is more often then not squandered, largely as a result of the pathetic enabling of the left. Take ABORTING your fucking baby, for example.
It's alot easier to ask for forgiveness then it is to ask for permission.