"Women are not birthing vessels? Do you know anything about where babies come from? You can try to deny it, but women are biologically designed to carry babies."
We are designed to, yes, but the fact of my biological design shall not infringe on my rights to control said design.
"HOWEVER...I fully support a womens right to make terrible decisions, and reserve the right to pass judgement on women who do so. I fully support public scorn and humiliation for women who abort children upon the alter of birth control, lack of self control, stupidity, selfishness, or personal expediency."
I'd love to hear how your subjective standards will be set for a population. And how your opinion on her uterus should matter at all since you had nothing to do with other aspects of her life which have had a part in creating her current situation.
Fact is, you may hate the idea of abortions, but:
1) this isn't your body/life we are talking about,
2) if you don't care about what circumstances got her IN to the predicament, shame on you for passing judgement now, and,
3) we should be caring about the people who are already ON this planet before you start shedding tears for those who will never know the difference.
Maybe it was over when she chucked me out the Rover at full speed.
Maybe Maybe...