I also see no room for compromise. Once a women has had several opportunities to make DECISIONS about her body and her life, and knows the potential consequences of her DECISIONS, and this DECISION now involves ANOTHER LIFE...her decision making opportunites have been exhausted. The unborn, unable to speak, wanted or unwanted LIFE created by her DECISIONS should reign supreme. PERIOD.
Rape (no decision arrived at) and the health of a women can be considered excpetions. Killing, murdering, terminating, or ABORTING the life you created after making a decision to engage in the activity which leads to this life is dispicable.
HOWEVER...I fully support a womens right to make terrible decisions, and reserve the right to pass judgement on women who do so.
I fully support public scorn and humiliation for women who abort children upon the alter of birth control, lack of self control, stupidity, selfishness, or personal expediency.
These women sicken me!
I fully sympathize with women who make a gut wrenching decision to save themselves or terminate the fruits of a decisionless rape.
These women sadden me.
It's the potential for life that is executed, extinguished, SNUFFED by some bitch who "just wanted to get laid" that really disturbs me.
How pathetic.
It's alot easier to ask for forgiveness then it is to ask for permission.