As far as Cheney's involvement with Halliburton post his "election", shouldn't we understand his involvement with the administration's energy policy? This is the same policy that arose out of meetings that the American public is not allowed to know anything about. (Thank God for executive privilege). These are the same meetings that Enron execs attended to "help" form this administrations energy policies.
On another front, Bush originally graduated from Yale, the same school as his Daddy. For the Harvard MBA, would you screw with a kid whose father is the head of the CIA? And for what he learned in the MBA program at Harvard, how the hell did he fail at business so many times? If you want to point at owning a Major League Baseball team as an example of succeding, isn't the hallmark of a success winning a championship the litmus test? He didn't do it. Hell the team didn't even get a new ballpark during his stewardship. If the freaking Phillies can get a stadium, then the Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse must be trotting down my street.
There are so things to discuss with G.W. it is hard to even concentrate on what is important. An unnecessary jet flight? Not important. The screwing of America in toto? Very important
Just me and God, watching Scotty die..