Originally Posted by astrahl
There can be no compromise here. We are talking about a woman's right (MY right) to control her own body and what happens inside it. Once people start legislating that, women become the equivalent of storage and production facilities.
You cannot tell me what I may do with my own body. I think we can all agree that abortion is not a "happy" thing, but it is and always should be an option for women who either cannot, should not or do not want to carry a pregnancy to term.
I really can't believe that this is an issue. Nobody here has any business telling an individual person what she can and can't do to her own body. I am not an incubator and I will not be treated as such. Everyone is entitled to their opinion on the issue, but that is where your rights end.
Sorry for the rant, this subject infuriates me.
My rights go as far as my tax dollars go. Its definetly everyone's business if tax dollars are being used to carry them out. Plus many people consider it murder like I do. Why does Scott Peterson get a double murder charge, yet abortion isn't murder. I really don't understand why Democrats are complaining. Abortion is rampant. I read in my local paper the other day that 500 out of every 1000 pregnancies in New York end in abortion. That's insane. You people want more abortions? Why not adopt, there are plenty of families waiting to adopt.
The left has definetly won on this issue. 3700 abortions a day, why are they even complaining. There is no comprimise, the pro-death crowd won and is still winning.