Originally Posted by matthew330
Perhaps with any luck evolution will catch up and women won't biologically be able to conceive untill their old enough to vote.
Alas, evolution doesn't really care if you can vote...And neither does puberty. It only requires the minimum to support a child.
And actually, girl are getting their first periods earlier and earlier, which could have potential repercusions. Of course, there's getting pregnant at such a young and unfortunately tender age. I had a health teacher tell our class that the hormones which trigger puberty also stop brain growth in certain areas, and when this starts too early (as is the case more and more) key areas of the brain are not fully developed (such as the problem solving areas). She didn't back that up with any evidence, so unfortunately I can't confirm that.
Also, she said that hormones in our food could be the culprit, causing the early onset of puberty.
A little off-topic, sorry.
Originally Posted by matthew330
i'm sure the "modern" medical community will think of something. About the easiest medical adventure i've seen. You've single handedly almost eliminated the need for 'em.
Now, as to what the "modern" (why is that in quotes?) medical sciences can and cannot do. Guess what? They have limitations. They can't cure alzheimers. They can't straighten rickets without serious surgery. Many of the fixes you so casually mention are fucking expensive. And the fact that we can prevent them means they don't show up a lot in the people who can afford the treatment, so the docs probably don't have a ton of experience. Although they can do amazing things, doc aren't the gods some of them believe they are.
Originally Posted by RangerDick
Regardless, I believe that having an abortion will, in the long run, do this girl much more damage than carrying the pregnancy to term and giving the child up for adoption. in which case the state won't have to pay the child's way through life.
That assumes that the child will actually get adopted. Which is no guarantee, particularly if it will need expensive measures to fix any problems with poor fetal nutrition.