And YOU are the voice of EXPERIENCE here.
You surprise me with your fresh enthusiastic attitude toward teaching. I've seen it in other posts regarding children and training. I was burned out after only a few years because of the school I was working in. I hope I can renew my enthusiasm for teaching in a regular school setting against sometime. For now the young ones are so curious that they already have the enthusiasm that I lack.
Originally Posted by sexymama
Just because of the nature of this board, and because I've been so "out there" on it, and because I teach in a very conservative community, I'll leave it at that I'm a teacher. (Believe it or not, after that run on sentence, my major is English and Reading.) I have been for 19 years and I love it!
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.