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Old 05-05-2005, 02:13 AM   #10 (permalink)
Location: Southern California
My son did the same thing, he started when he was 14 months, he would hit his head on anything, including the brick fireplace. He had more bruises, I was terrified of being accused of beating him. If I pulled him away from whatever he was hitting his head on he would start banging his head with his hand. I told the pediatrician, they didn't seem to think it was any big deal, secretly I used to think that something was really wrong with him, I did, I thought he was going to have mental problems.
Well he's 16 now, stands a nice 6'3", he's a great person. I am amazed everytime I go to report card night, his teachers have nothing but wonderful things to say about him, they actually go out of their way to let me know just how well he is doing. He is taking Biology, Geometry, World History, English, French 2, Psychology and got all A's except Geometry he got a B in. He has a wonderful sense of humor and the most trouble he gives me is a little backtalk, about twice a week, from what I see some parents going through, that's nothing.
I don't know if the head banging made him so great, I do know that it didn't hurt him.
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