athletics, are we talking about a laptop computer that plays dvds or a portable dvd player?
If it's a portable dvd player, look by the headphone jack for what looks like a yellow headphone jack. It takes a mini-plug to rca adaptor. Mine came with the necessary cables, but if you go to radioshack or somewhere along those lines they've probably got something that will work for you, most likely for under $6-7.
If it's an actual laptop computer that happens to play dvds, there should be a few different options for getting the signal to a tv. If it only has S-vid out and you only have rca inputs on your tv (or vice-versa), you can get an adaptor for about $20 that will take care of your needs.
I've got the love of my life and a job that I enjoy most of the time. Life is good.
Last edited by monkeysugar; 05-04-2005 at 09:13 PM..
Reason: forgot about something.....