"Her hips are not yet widened enough to safely pass a child, her body overall has not strengthened to the point where she can handle the stress of carrying the child or delivering it."
Perhaps with any luck evolution will catch up and women won't biologically be able to conceive untill their old enough to vote.
" Do you really know the scope of importance that proper nutrition (esp calcium and folic acid) has during pregnancy?"
you've done a good job of enlightening me tonight. You've already identified potential risks, identified excellent measures to keep these risks to a minimum. In the event one happens, i'm sure the "modern" medical community will think of something. About the easiest medical adventure i've seen. You've single handedly almost eliminated the need for 'em.
( i misspoke when i said treatable...i meant preventable, but the complications when they do arise are treatable, easy or not -and the same can't be said for complications with abortion - which is why i'm not buying your argument that this is a major concern of yours)