Originally Posted by Sticky
The beer here has a higher alcohol content.
I wanted to touch on that for a second... My buddy just said that Canadian and American beer have the same alcohol content, but that the measuring systems were different! Canada uses a per volume method, and the yanks use a per weight method. I guess it makes a 2% difference or something.
I looked at him like he was insulting my religion, "Then how come I can drink 18 yank beers and feel nothing more than the urgent need to piss?"
"Hey, man, I'm just telling you the truth. Look it up if you want."
/end threadjack
Canadians have a sense of humour because of our environment, and in this case it is our cultural one!
We are bombarded with american imagery constantly, and therefore we understand what makes them laugh and incorporate it.
We are also part of the British Commonwealth, and therefore we enjoy Bennie Hill and Monty Python, and incorporate it.
The European styles of comedy come from our Quebecois brothers and sisters, and we incorporate it.
Finally, our politicians are crazy enough to be funny but not to powerful to fear. We incorporate it.