I'm against abortion. I find it a disgunting and morally reprehensible practice. I do however think there are certain instances where it is justified, such as rape or health risk to the mother. I still even then don't really want to see it happen, but I can empathize with the women. However as I've stated before on the boards, in the grand scheme of all abortions these constitute the vast minority of abortions, I heard sources putting them as low as 1% of all total abortions. Going from there it sickens me that the institution and other 99% of abortions are carried by that figure. Then you get things like partial birth abortion, which I don't know how anyone can justify, yet the democrats fight tooth and nail because they feel a ban is somehow striking at their beloved roe v. wade.
To stop rambling though, I personally feel there is no room for compromise, the stakes are just too high.