^ Cyn, I appreciate your honesty and time in responding. I hope I'm a good friend to my friends, too!

(Btw, what's an IRL friendship?)
I am always glad to meet people who have genuine interests in countries/cultures that are not their "homelands." I think it's the only way we are every going to learn to get along on this planet.
And yes, it is interesting how Asians adapt in Iceland... that's the topic of my doctoral research, actually. Not all Asians speak Icelandic well, but I'm going to focus part of my ethnography on how important language is for identity, and whether those people consider themselves to be Icelandic once they learn the language (Icelanders, in general, respect you as one of them if you learn to speak their language.)
Originally Posted by sashime76
Only heritage we need to know is that we are all Homo Sapiens.
As an anthropologist, I fully agree with this statement. There is no homeland, unless you wanna go back to Olduvai Gorge and have a big nationalistic...err, HUMANistic party there. Ethnicities are a beautiful thing, I try to celebrate mine while I can, but they are not everything. In fact, they are a very small part of being human, which all too many humans blow up to be uber-important and enough to start wars over, or even just to snub other human beings in Starbucks.