Originally Posted by cellophanedeity
I think I'd also do the seasonal traveller thing. Summer in northern Ontario on a lake with no one around, Fall in Toronto, Spring in Montreal, Winter in BC.
Mind you... I've only ever been to Toronto and up north. Once I actually do travel, I'm sure I'll get a better plan.
fall in Toronto is stunning. Labour day to thanksgiving is usually just gorgeous, with blue skies, clear air, temperatures at around 20 degrees, the fall leaves are just starting to appear. wandering around Uof T campus at that time with the trees, and the old buildings, the enthusiastic young students.
the film festival happens then too. I find that winter in toronto , although it is our mighty season, is too slushy. I've spent winters in Barrie, and that's how it's supposed to be.
spring in Toronto is cruel. Look at this year. May 4 and still teasing us. summer is stupendous, in all the big city ways, but weather wise, it's a gamble if it's going to be hot hazy & humid, or just not appear at all. Like last year, I turned on our air conditioner once only.
so I would do spring in Vancouver (because it starts around Valentines day), winter in Montreal (with quick jaunts to the Mediteranean, or Carribean. Ah hell, since I'm day dreaming, make it Bora Bora!) summer and autumn in Toronto with weekend trips to the maritimes or Vancouver Island to sail.