Originally Posted by roachboy
bingle: i am not sure if it was your post(s) or not that i ws referring to.
as to your comment, i am not sure about that-----i am not sure where you find implications of intelligent design in folk like linneas or buffon--on in much 18th century philosophies of nature, which seem to be more about the rationality of classification systems than about the conditions of possiblilty for either the classifications or the world being classified---but this might be a function of not having read them for a long time on my part. i guess what i would say is that darwin's work does not come out of the Vapor, that it leans on previous works, previous shifts in assumptions about the nature of science, that it does not stand at the origin of trending away from linking the perception of order in the world with the assumption of some Big Agent who did the ordering.
Yes, that's definitely true. And you're right. In fact, I take back what I said - It was just a lot harder to be an atheist before Darwin, but they existed. The Cosmological argument can also be attacked from a "first cause" point of view, which isn't quite as strong as Darwin, but people did it anyway.