Well when we went for a home loan and had our credit reports looked up there wasn't much on there like that. We've had a couple things happen like your situation and they don't seem to show up until a few times after the collection agency has contacted us. Plus we'd paid some things and it showed that as well. As for getting the home loan, the ONLY things that were a problem were anything that we hadn't paid. It didn't matter if it showed up on the credit report so long as it showed it was paid. We had all our bank accounts, credit cards, and car loans show up on the credit report but it also showed that we'd paid the car loans and things. No body cares if it's on your credit report unless it shows a large number of credit cards, or even one charge off that's never been paid.
This may not show up. If it does, you paid it and can show them the cancelled check later if it doesn't show that it was paid.
Library fines - I've gotten a quite a few. Lost one video tape then brought it back much later. People loose things all the time. The library may just be trying to bring their accounts up to date. Maybe they've got an audit coming up or something.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.