Originally Posted by arch13
I have several thoughts on this.
If she had the child, who would pay for it since she is a ward of the state?
the state
Who pays for the abortion?
the state
seems to me, on a purely financial level, it's cheaper to have the abortion now, then to pay for everything her and the child will need until the 13 year old is emancipated from the state (not sure what florida's policy is on this, but it ranges from 18-20 years of age in different states), and likely have to pay for the care through welfare and/or women and children's services funds for the child the 13 year old has.
Originally Posted by 89tansam
What about her developing mind? Abortions can scar a person for the rest of thier life at any age, mutiply that trauma times 100 for a 13 year old.
Also , how much of a risk on her body can pregnancy possiby be? Yes, 13 is young to get pregnant but throghout history it has certainly happened more than a few times. Abortion however is a pretty hardcore procedure, certainly more damaging than pregnancy.
I agree, however , if it was deemed that this pregnancy put her in mortal danger then by all rights she should have the abortion. For any other reason I would be against it, hell I think 9 months of pregnancy would probobly do her alot of good, teach her that her actions have consequences.
You say Noone at 13 should have to go through a pregnancy , I say that noone at 13 should have to through an abortion.
if the mind's still developing/fragile/in whatever state you want to say it's in, it will be affected by either decision.and if it's still developing, who's to say one choice is any worse than the other? the pregnancy and delivery could also be traumatic for her.
an abortion is no more damaging than pregnancy. having been in both procedures during my ob/gyn rotation, i saw more complications from pregnancy, delivery, and post-partum issues.
why people think pregnancy is so much safer and less dangerous than abortion is interesting to say the least. there are potential issues and complications with both.