This whole subject is one I have a lot of feelings about, since I grew up in Japan from ages 8 to 13. I became very acculturated - I spoke Japanese, ate Japanese food, went to a Japanese school, etc. It was very hard for me to come back and try to mix back into this culture and I still deal with some cultural difficulties, although after 15 years or so I managed to adapt. It's just that my experiences over there became a very deep part of who I am. I didn't realize what was going on until I took an "Asian in America" history class. The teacher, who was 3rd generation Japanese-American, came in one day and ran down a list of about 30 cultural/social traits generally associated with Asian-Americans. Guess what? Almost all of them described me. So I realized that I am almost like an Asian in disguise. I frequently encounter racism and ignorance on the part of my Caucasian bretheren, since they voice it in my presence without realizing how I'll react. It's a very touchy subject for me. I have been angered and disgusted so many times! My perception, though, is that the problem is lessening - at least it seems much better than it was in the 1970s when I came back. There is more "cool" associated with Asian things now, and more knowledge of Asian culture(s), at least East Asian anyway.
I used to go out with a Korean guy who'd tell people he was an Eskimo when they asked where he was from.

He was from Southern California.