Originally Posted by FngKestrel
My mom is fervently Chinese and still views things with great distinction. My extended family emigrated from China to Taiwan and even though they've lived there for at least a generation, my mom said to me a while back, "You're not TAIWANESE, you're a CHINESE." She was very clear in her distinction. My only response to her was, "I'm an AMERICAN." Whether that distinction meant anything to her is another matter.
I can respect and admire that. I on the other hand always say what I am. I'm a mexican..technically Mexican-American. I know I wasn't BORN in Mexico but I'm still a mexican regardless ya know? I'm proud of it. It's the differences that make us unique and I don't want anyone to take that away from me. In the end we're all human so we are all the same in that aspect but my culture makes me different from other cultures I would hate to deny that it'd be like I'm ashamed of it which I'm not

. Watching George Lopez comedy routines is so nostalgiac it's a joy haha.