Originally Posted by Superbelt
Yes she should have the abortion.
Strictly for the risk that the baby is putting her developing body in.
Noone at 13 should have to go through a pregnancy.
What about her developing mind? Abortions can scar a person for the rest of thier life at any age, mutiply that trauma times 100 for a 13 year old.
Also , how much of a risk on her body can pregnancy possiby be? Yes, 13 is young to get pregnant but throghout history it has certainly happened more than a few times. Abortion however is a pretty hardcore procedure, certainly more damaging than pregnancy.
I agree, however , if it was deemed that this pregnancy put her in mortal danger then by all rights she should have the abortion. For any other reason I would be against it, hell I think 9 months of pregnancy would probobly do her alot of good, teach her that her actions have consequences.
You say Noone at 13 should have to go through a pregnancy , I say that noone at 13 should have to through an abortion.