Originally Posted by Hardknock
We don't need shit. We have the technology RIGHT NOW to completely convert from oil and we also have the ability to completely sustain ourselves from foreign sources of energy. Whether it's solar, wind, hydrogen, the list goes on. It's because that oil hungry bastard in the white house won't do anything about it because big oil is his main contributor. Plain and simple.
Your right the technology is there for the most part the only drawback being cost. And I really don't think it would matter if Bush was in the Whitehouse or not we would still be depending on oil and we will be for a long while to come, once again due to cost of alternative fuels.
On another note, anyone else feel we was being held hostage over the ANWR crap. Did anyone else notice the minute the bill went through Congress that oil began to come down even though it has little to no effect on the present oil market? Don't you think it's rather odd we never had any issues with refining until the pressure was on and the ANWR bill was about to come up for a vote? I may be paranoid but I think we all got screwed on this deal.