Charlatan... do you know why seretogis (I didn't know him at all) stopped posting? Did it have anything to do with the attitudes of the forum, or was it unrelated?
I'm starting to believe that either there are NO gay men on TFP, or that we really are so hetero- and bi-women crazy that any gay male TFP'ers are extremely intimidated and do not want to come out in any way. Perhaps the former is connected to the latter. Both thoughts depress me, especially because this thread has been so positive (in my opinion).
Hell, even if a gay man posted here and gave a diatribe on why the TFP sucks, I'd appreciate it. At least then I'd have some understanding/insight.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran