Before you take a trip like this you should check out and go to the info for travellers section. They also have links to State Department warnings at times. Make sure to take the link from the African page to the Malaria in Africa page and make sure that Malarone is OK for where you are going. One downside is that it is daily. But then, it is supposed to have less neuropsych side effects than mefloquine. One reason I tend to avoid doxycycline is the high frequency of photosensitivity (imagine the worse possible sunburn). There are many other insect born diseases besides malaria and yellow fever, so be sure to use DEET (the CDC just approved two other insect repellents, but I don't know much about them...the natural one may actually be more dangerous) and a mosquito net if at all possible. Make sure to click on the link to food born illness (traveller's diarrhea). I travel with levaquin to take if I need it (it is a broad spectrum antibiotic useful for GI, GU, and respiratory infections). It is expensive and should be used with caution in women of childbearing age. If you are going to be away from civilization you may need more specific advice. Obviously first aid materials are a must.
Whatever you do, have a good time and take pictures.
I was there to see beautiful naked women. So was everybody else. It's a common failing.
Robert A Heinlein in "They Do It With Mirrors"