my primary motivation is that it feels good and makes me happy.
other than that, I don't have any tricks or anything ...
it's just a matter of deciding to do it, and then actually doing it.
then, keep doing it. stay on track.
oh, and make yourself comfortable while doing it.
for me, that's as simple as some music, some decent clothing (I'm on a serious budget, but I still managed to recently get a pair of pants, 2x coolmax shirts, and 2x running socks).
and, especially when starting out, just focus on
doing it.
my current fitness method is jogging, and I know I'm sloooow. (especially if i'm tired from not sleeping enough). for now, I don't worry about being slow. I'm not pushing myself on how fast I'm going (not too much anyway), I'm just making sure/getting into the habit/developing the discipline to do it as often as I reasonably can.
I wish you great luck Sage, it sounds like you've got it going in the right direction
Edit - I agree with anti-fish - patience is absolutely necessary. results can come relatively soon, but may not be what you really want (example, I've not lost more than a kilo, but I feel like I'm becoming notiseably stronger, and I feel more confident).