This is a situation I'd be clueless to handle... Like Annie's boyfriend I'd be troubled if my girlfriend had many past lovers that lived in the same town as we did and frequented the same bars and movie theaters as we did. But if her past lovers were in different cities (preferably on the other side of the country) and I had no chance of ever crossing paths with them I guess I'd be better able to handle it.
I'd never resort to calling my girlfriend a slut or a whore for having had more sexual partners than me if I was in Annie's boyfriend's shoes... but I'd be a liar if I said it wouldn't bother me the least bit. I've been cheated on twice in past relationships, so the thought of my girlfriend being on friendly terms with an ex would worry me because I'd be afraid she might decide to go have sex with them because I don't measure up to their skills in bed.
Yeah yeah, I know it's a weak argument, but while I can control what I say and do I cannot control how I feel.
Doncalypso... the one and only Haitian Sensation