As long as you care for him more than the other guys you have been with there has to be a way to show that to him, this is where things get fucked up because you can't really use sex as that thing. You have to ask yourself, how valuable is sex to you? And if it is really important and an act of love than you have to tell him that you thought you were in love, or were but it didnt work and if you did sleep with a guy you didnt love it was prob not the best idea. And that when you have sex with him now, it's very special and he has to just accept that. Now if you don't value sex like that, then you have to be honest and just tell him that you don't put sex up on such a high pedestal. If that is the case than if you really care about this guy you have to find a way to show him you care about him more than any other guy you have been with, and he will have to accept that. Though I really think people should be more careful about who they sleep with and why.
Here are some phrases I'd like to be able to say, in all honesty, before I die.
"That's it, send out the ninjas!"
"So then I had to kill my way to the second floor."