A lot of people overgeneralize and make assumptions. I am sure, in most cases, they dont mean any harm. People love to put things in categories. In a ethnic point of view, the U.S. will always have some kind of racial problem, whether it be; racism or sterotyping. I have been with people and just because they see a Asian person, they make a comment like, "he look like Jackie Chan." Its like, "hey your white, you look like Kevin Costner." Its just the way the world turns. One day though, 100's of years from now, everyone will have bit of every culture, due to racial mixing, and when you think of the States, you think of this new breed of people; the American melting pot. I wish i could be there and see something like that. A land of no racism or bias. Everyone will all be looked as a equal. But yeah, its another unfortunate reality off life.
"Everybody plays the fool sometimes"
Last edited by StarCrossed; 05-03-2005 at 01:15 AM..