Originally Posted by skinnymofo
by crud lite do you mean like coors lite or something?
also 1 keg make it Henrys Private Reserve or Blue Boar Pale Ale.
both fairly cheap ~130 or so in Seattle dunno in other places.
Also you must have mini corndogs for food. They are wonderful when alcohol is around
Ask yourself what "crud" rhymes with. :P Coors beats Bud any day of the weak (intentional).
Frozen pizza. Lots of it. Also, I have yet to go to a kegger where they charged less than $10/person. If you don't mind cereal, Corn Flakes are super cheap. You could feed probably 5-10 people on a box for at least a day or two. Bread is cheaper, and balogna, while absolutely vomitous, is cheap as hell too (about CAD $3.00/lb).
And to make smaller amounts of alcohol go further, don't feed anyone until a couple hours after it's started so they're already good and on their way to plasteredness and the food can't increase their tolerance.