Originally Posted by Rlyss
When you plug in your USB drive do you get that little balloon that says something about it being able to run faster? I assume you're using Windows XP? Make sure you download Service Pack 2 using Windows Update. Go to the device manager (Control Panel -> System -> Hardware -> Device Manager) and find your USB entry. Right click and uninstall it, then search for new hardware and it should install itself automatically. SP2 gives support for high speed USB devices but you have to reinstall them before it kicks in. My gut feeling is that that's the problem but if it's not let us know.
So give that a try and see how it goes 
thats a great idea, and i tried it, but i'm using a pirated copy of xp pro that i got from a friend and MS wont let me get service pack 2.
i got a question though, i have the original disk that came with the laptop ( the system recovery disk). do you think that disk would have windows xp home edition on it? can i just pop in the disk and will it set everything back to how it was from day one?
the reason i used the xp pro was because the hard drive i got was a new one and i wasnt sure if the recovey disk would put windows xp on my system.