Originally Posted by lurkette
I don't have any problem with scaling benefits based on income - I think it's probably necessary, and is in keeping with the spirit of the social security program: providing retirement benefits for those who need it. But I'm a commie and have no problem with wealth redistribution.
Just (semi) kidding:
Is your idea of wealth redistribution this:
<img src=http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0SQAdA4oVNRQNeDlLUwkvOLITV4daDDTR9OFESZqhQXMQDorwMrlf0DBMC84pmtnOllqmXonoyBTSgn8nZoImO6NIMoxdDSDagFuy*!qdnJF2cy3qT9P8Og/avatar14013_1.gif?dc=4675520751094596558></img>
========================><img src=http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0QgAdAwMUgaBoPZWO*oP*!gv8cdODWTDEJ7JeVE*pygX*w02NPgIQ0AfYXiuuX2SdfsLHqDgeOzTMfJ8cLI7U4LOGpg!BeZJRgT58*m90DkE/images.jpg?dc=4675520751813112772></img>
Or this:
<img src=http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0QgAdAwMUgaBoPZWO*oP*!gv8cdODWTDEJ7JeVE*pygX*w02NPgIQ0AfYXiuuX2SdfsLHqDgeOzTMfJ8cLI7U4LOGpg!BeZJRgT58*m90DkE/images.jpg?dc=4675520751813112772></img>
(EVERYONE ELSE) ========================><img src=http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0SQAdA4oVNRQNeDlLUwkvOLITV4daDDTR9OFESZqhQXMQDorwMrlf0DBMC84pmtnOllqmXonoyBTSgn8nZoImO6NIMoxdDSDagFuy*!qdnJF2cy3qT9P8Og/avatar14013_1.gif?dc=4675520751094596558></img>
I find the lower scenario is much more common among those who favor wealth redistribution.
I am torn about privatizing accounts - on the one hand, I don't have any illusions that I'm going to see a penny of my contributions to SS. It'd be nice to have some control over that money and invest it where I wanted, and KNOW that I was going to see some return. However, I already have a retirement account. I'm taking care of myself. If that money goes to help someone like my grandma pay her expenses now, and I never see any of it, I guess that's all right with me.
Would it also be all right if some of that money goes to help my mother as well? Because that's the way the system is working now. In fact, in a few years, we're going to have two people contributing their money to support every one recipient.
Personally, I'd prefer a system in which I can choose my investment vehicle, AND pass the remaining funds on to my kids and grandkids, instead of giving it to the feds the instant I die.
They, of course, got themselves out of the SS system quite a few years ago.