Originally Posted by The_Dunedan
And this is different from the Democrats HOW, again?.............
......If the Republicans are an organized-crime gang, then so are the Democrats.
I invite you to do your research, and back your claim that there is anything reported in newspapers "of record", regarding any scenario implicating high officials in a federal democratic party administration that is similar in size, scope, finance, and criminality to this.
You talk your talk, but consider that the special prosecutor's office, in the '90's, before the Republican led legislature intentionally allowed the spec. prosecutor statute to expire, spent 6 years and in excess of $40 million, investigating the last Democratic administration, and found?
Your remarks serve to illustrate that you are in denial, and that you serve yourself up to these criminals by your reflexive, and inaccurate reaction, that everybody is doing this. What party currently controls two of three branches of federal government and is making menacing statements towards the third branch? These political leaders are undeniably organized, and are reported to be acting in a seriously crminal manner.
Where do you observe the system of checks and balances, besides the news reports, and examples of protest such as the one I am making, here, to be still functioning? Do you believe that checks and balances and the accountability that they were intended to afford, are even necessary?