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Old 05-02-2005, 12:11 PM   #2 (permalink)
And this is different from the Democrats HOW, again?

Face it, politicians of all stripes make their livings by stealing people's money, labour, productivity, and time. They are -all- criminals. They are -all- bought, sold, and controlled by the same group of people; the multinational Corporate and Banking combines that own the Federal Reserve, the majority of our Nat'l Debt, and the totality of our money. The two parties simply play "good cop, bad cop" on each other's issues, while advancing the agendas of their Statist handlers.

Example: the gun-control debate. For years now, "moderate" gunowners have bought into the Statist lie that the Republicans will "save" us from gun-control, and have supported the Republican party. Meanwhile, with the full support of these twits, the Republicans have been emplacing laws and precedures ( USA PATRIOT act, anyone? ) which the Democrats will turn on gun-owners at the first available opportunity.

If the Republicans are an organized-crime gang, then so are the Democrats.
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