Ya know, are you a teacher Silvy? You should be.
This url still isn't working though:
I killed off the brewery.php in the local root, so we know that your new lines in the index.php did the trick. It's looking in /brewery for the page when given $id=brewery.
So now it's down to a single problem I guess.
I changed the image paths in the begining of index.php to:
define ('IMAGE_FS_PATH', '/homepages/6/d93661089/htdocs/imgs/'); //full filesystem path to images
define ('IMAGE_WWW_PATH', 'imgs/'); // path relative to the URL
It looks right to me (And I see where you got the full system path from phpinfo.php
The code in brewery.php itself looks like this:
$base = 'brewery'; //CHANGED (removed _ )
$id = $_REQUEST['id2'];
if(file_exists(IMAGE_FS_PATH.$base.'/'.$base.'_'.$id.'jpg')) { //CHANGED added $base.'/'. and .'_'
echo "<img src='".IMAGE_WWW_PATH.$base.'/'.$base.'_'.$id.".jpg'>"; //CHANGED added same as the line above, watch for correct quotes!
} elseif(file_exists($id.".php")) {
} else {
echo "<img src='brewerysplash.jpg'>";
I'm guessing that the problem lies in here somewhere.
My question is, why isn't $id2 showing brewery_11.jpg in the url I gave at the begining of htis post?
It seems as the though the problem is with the image paths in some way.