Originally Posted by trench
I guess I'm the only one who remembers The Question. 
I always wish I had read this title. My only experience with him was his guest appearance in Dark Knight 2 by Frank Miller. He reminded me a lot of some of the guys on the TF Politics board. Maybe I'll have to check some of his books out!
My favourite has pretty much always been Batman, and increasingly Superman. It's hard for other characters to stand up to these two in terms of depth as there have been more stories written for them than anyone, and certainly more "elseworlds" type stories where they are placed in different times/universes/dimensions. That'll really explore the character.
I was blown away by Promethea from the book of the same name (technically she's many characters). That title really exercised a part of my brain I didn't know I had. It really questions the nature of reality, the concept of stories and how those two might be the same thing.
P.S. anxiously awaiting Gilda's response to this thread