I saw this a couple of days ago - and decided I'd wait a few days to see if my feelings changed about this movie.
They didn't.
It was terrible. I am not sure what the point of this movie was - It was too far from the actual "trilogy" for the original fans to really enjoy it, and had absolutely no way to help someone who had never read the books to follow along.
I understand that some things had to change because the medium changed (Zaphod's head, ect) however - that doesn't mean that the entire story had to change. Basically - they took the names of charators/ships from books, a couple of scenes, and that's about it. Most of that movie doesn't even resemble the story from the books, much less do it justice.
I suppose, however, that I was fairly impressed with how they made the planet building factory look, other than that though, most of the special effects were rubbish. The Vogans? Give me a break... as someone previously said, "demented puppets" is a pretty accurate description of them.
I think a lot could have been done to explain to the newcomer what in the hell was going on - they don't really mention why the towel is so important - (which would have taken an entire 10 seconds) they don't really detail how the improbability drive works, so I can't even imagine what someone who had never seen the books is thinking when the ship turns into a flower... and many more staples in the Hitchhiker's Universe.
Unfortunate - but I suppose we can just chalk it up to yet another terrible book turned movie dud. I still have high hopes for Ender's Game though... *crosses fingers*
I have an aura of reliability and good judgement.
Just in case you were wondering...